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Personal trainer who killed Ian Wright’s boxing coach by stabbing him in the neck with a broken bottle after watching England World Cup match is jailed for 19 years

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A personal trainer who fatally stabbed Ian Wright’s boxing coach in the neck with a broken bottle has been jailed for at least 19 years today.Reece Newcombe, 31, gasped: ‘He’s done me’ after he was attacked by Ross Hamilton, 34, outside the Viva nightclub in Richmond.Both men had been watching England play the USA in the Qatar World Cup in a fan zone in Richmond Park on 26 November 2022 before going out to a club.Hamilton was seen acting aggressively and had earlier elbowed a man in the face causing him to fall to the ground. Reece Newcombe, 31, picturedm gasped: ‘He’s done me’ after he was attacked by Ross Hamilton, 34, outside the Viva nightclub in Richmond Ross Hamilton, 34, pictured, was seen acting aggressively and had earlier elbowed a man in the face causing him to fall to the ground Ross Hamilton, 34, fashioned the glass into a makeshift knife to deliver the fatal blow after a fight erupted between the two menHe was seen doing ‘karate kicks’ on the dance floor and shouted at clubber that he would ‘ju jitsu the f**k‘ out of them and ‘wrap people up like a pretzel’.Hamilton had been drinking heavily and taken cocaine and ecstasy before he killed the victim.Mr Newcombe helped train former England star Wright, 59, and other celebrities for a charity boxing match in 2014.He also trained actor Jack O’Connell, who starred in the drama ‘SAS: Rogue Heroes.’Hamilton denied murder and assault by beating but was convicted by an Old Bailey jury today after 15 hours and 21 minutes of deliberation.The killer has two previous convictions and a caution for offences of violence in the street.Mr Newcombe had a five-month-old daughter and his partner was pregnant with their second baby girl when he was murdered.His former partner Alicia Smith said in an impact statement that when she met Mr Newcombe it was ‘love at first sight.’‘Reece was a one of a kind person, someone who you would search a lifetime to meet,’ she said.‘I find it to this day hard to explain the pain that I felt.‘Reece was my best friend, my soul mate my partner, my girl’s dad.‘He was loveable, generous, honest and a beautiful person and he was someone everyone warmed to.‘As a family we are broken. The lost of Reece is unexplainable – a pain so raw it is difficult to accept.’Addressing Hamilton she said: ‘You have stolen the chance of two girls knowing their dad.’Ms Smith said Hamilton was guilty of a ‘selfish, cowardly act of violence you are so unremorseful for.’ Hamilton (right) was shouting that he would ‘ju jitsu the f**k’ out of a clubber and ‘wrap people up like a pretzel’ before he murdered Reece Ross Hamilton (pictured) arguing outside the Viva nightclub in Richmond, before the murder of Reece Newcombe Mr Newcombe, left, helped train former England star Wright, right, and other celebrities for a charity boxing match in 2014Mr Newcombe’s father John Holland, who owns two boxing gyms, said in his impact statement that when his son was murdered ‘his entire world came crashing down.’He said the screams of Mr Newcombe’s mother when she was given the news of the stabbing ‘will haunt me till my dying day.‘I thought my heart would stop and in fact I wished that it would. I didn’t want to live with the pain of losing my son,’ Mr Holland said.‘It is truly the worst thing that can happen to a human being. I cry myself to sleep every night. I don’t think that will change.‘I will never forgive the defendant till the day I die.’Judge Anthony Leonard, KC jailed Hamilton for life with a minimum term of 19 years.The judge said Hamilton had ignored the advice of security guards and a friend to go home when he was confronting people outside the club.‘You went a little way down the road and waited there for nearly an hour,’ the judge said.‘In my judgement you relished the opportunity for a fight.’The judge added: ‘You armed yourself with that dangerous weapon before instigating a fight and then used it on Reece Newcombe.‘You were out for a fight and the jury rightfully rejected your defence of self defence.’Prosecutor Louis Mably, KC, earlier said: ‘Hamilton had been causing trouble throughout the night in various different ways in various locations including inside the nightclub.‘He had gone from the fan zone to the nightclub and as he walked from the fan zone he was increasingly aggressive, accosting members of the public and women, standing in front of lorries and throwing beer over a passing car.‘Throughout the evening he was involved in a number of low-level altercations with other individuals inside, goading people and behaving erratically, doing karate kicks on the dance floor, harassing people – sometimes putting his arm round people sometimes being aggressive.‘Then at the end of night when the nightclub closed and everyone spilled onto the street, instead of going home he was hanging around outside, behaving in an aggressive and erratic manner.’At 3.20am he walked up to another man much smaller than himself, engaged him in conversation and then without any warning at all, elbowed him in the face as hard as could causing the man to fall to floor.‘Having elbowed the man to the floor he began dancing around in the street, confronting security staff and screaming at people “I will ju jitsu the f—k out of you.”‘He was looking for people to fight.‘He continued to hang around outside the nightclub and goad people to have a fight with him.‘Shortly before 4am he was still there, spoiling for a fight when Reece approached him.‘And it seems the defendant had been goading Reece and his friend and in the end Reece decided he was going to confront him. And that was a tragic decision on his part.‘What happened was exactly what Newcombe was hoping to happen – he got the fight that he asked for.‘Except what he had done before the fight started, a few minutes before he found someone to fight with, he had armed himself with a piece of broken glass and put in in his pocket ready for when the time came.’A witness saw him smashing a bottle to make the makeshift dagger.The prosecutor added: ‘When the time did come, he took the glass out of his pocket and in the fight with Reece stabbed him in the neck causing a fatal wound.‘He immediately began to appear seriously wounded, he grabbed his neck and grabbed and friends rushed in and it became a general melee in the side street.’Hamilton was pushed to the ground but drove away from the scene.Two police officers attended and found a large crowd of people outside the Nando’s near Richmond Bridge.Mr Mably said: ’At the bottom of the stairs they saw that a man was lying on the ground and was covered in blood and members of the public were around him kneeling down trying to give first aid.‘It was clear he had a serious wound to the right side of the neck.’Mr Newcombe had emergency surgery but was pronounced dead at 10.15am the following morning.A few days later Hamilton handed himself in at a police station and claimed he had been acting in self-defence.Giving evidence in court Hamilton said: ’I’m ashamed of myself, I was acting like a prat.‘I’m sorry and I’m remorseful, but at the same time I have ADHD and when I’m drinking I’m very over the top.‘I can’t stop fidgeting and moving my hands around.‘I was just excitable, I’d taken some drugs that day, had lot of drink, I was bouncing around like a Duracell bunny, just high energy.‘I was actually in a good mood, good spirits, I was having a good night.’He claimed Mr Newcombe approached him and said: ‘Fight me, fight me, you think you’re a hard man, you smacked my mate, fight me.’‘I knew Reece was a boxer, I didn’t want to fight him,’ Hamilton said.He said someone else then grabbed him on the back of the shirt and he tried to put his beer bottle on a wall but it fell and smashed.He said ten to twenty people then came around the corner.‘At this point I knew an attack was imminent,’ he said.‘I just grabbed a bottle off the floor and started swinging. I don’t know if it was broken at the time I don’t think it was.Hamilton sobbed: ‘I never intended for anyone to lose their life.‘I was just trying to fight back.Jurors had heard how Hamilton assaulted his girlfriend in 2020 by hitting her in the shoulder with a bottle and then kicked her in the stomach.He was also convicted of assaulting a taxi driver in 2014 after he punched him twice in the head after an argument about the fare.Defence barrister Bernard Richmond, KC, said: ‘Murder is by its very nature an evil thing. But this is not an evil person.’Hamilton, of Wood Lane, Isleworth, west London, denied but was convicted of murder and assault.

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